Why 5G is killing your Flow and lowering the Performance of your Company

Why a faster internet can slow down your company, for real.
A company wants to naturally improve their results, the performance of their workforce and their sales. That’s the main goals. Some might strive for impact, sustainability and disruption too, like many Start-Up do. Some might even want to better the conditions at the workplace for their employees like Mindvalley (www.mindevalley.com) and set an example that defies capitalism and promotes care for their employees. Because after all, what is your company worth without the employees working for it.
5G rolling out like ….
Most of you certainly want to have better internet, faster transactions and an enhanced workflow, too. Here comes 5G and everyone says: Yes. I read that Gitex ( https://www.gitex.com/) the futuristic technology week in Dubai wants to actively promote the rolling out of 5G across the Middle East to attract more customers aka Start-Ups, VCs, PEs and everyone in between.
The installations of 5G antennas in Barcelona has made the entire city center a 5G hotspot (see www.5Gbarcelona.org). Lisbon is following suit, and despite the fact that there is nothing on the news about it, there is silently 5G popping up in every hotel, hostel, café, airbnb and even in the most remote villages of 30 inhabitants. (Yes, I´ve been there).
Germany has installed a couple of antennas so far and a few wifis register the signal in Berlin. However, there is a good amount of petitions running against it.
In the middle of the C-crisis, rockets from Starlink by the man Elan Musk where launched into the orbit of the atmosphere of Europe, to send 5G signals down to earth. Aka, everywhere?
In America the 5G system has been deployed since 2018 and in Europe since 2019, the general public oftentimes not being informed about the advancements.
What is 5G?
Qualcome says: “5G is the 5th generation mobile network. It is a new global wireless standard after 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G networks. 5G enables a new kind of network that is designed to connect virtually everyone and everything together including machines, objects, and devices.” And humans.
CNN says: “5G is next generation wireless network technology that’s expected to change the way people live and work. It will be faster and able to handle more connected devices than the existing 4G LTE network, improvements that will enable a wave of new kinds of tech products. 5G networks began rolling out in the United States and around the world in 2018 and are still in their early days, but experts say the potential is huge.”
Scientific American says: “The latest cellular technology, 5G, will employ millimeter waves for the first time in addition to microwaves that have been in use for older cellular technologies, 2G through 4G. Given limited reach, 5G will require cell antennas every 100 to 200 meters, exposing many people to millimeter wave radiation.”
And what does a microwave do? Cook the food slowly from the inside towards the outside. So when you put your bread into the microwaves and put the minutes slightly higher than recommended, it will come out looking like the same bread, but it will be charcoal black inside. (Try it).
The Effect of 5G on your Teams Performance
Now here is the deal. You as an entrepreneur, digital nomad or CEO might be very happy about the new technology, because you think 5 seconds faster internet will speed up your performance, sales and flow. Or just generally feel more up to date with it, because somehow even the latest invention becomes old very fast these days.
You might think nasty tech bugs are gone and your workforce will just be as happy as you are and work faster, smarter and better. Hence, you will increase your sales and be on top of the game by following the latest trend.
Here is the small print of the contract, you didn’t officially sign and therefore did not read yet:
• your workforce will slowly but surely have increased problems to concentrate
• the overall performance of your team will drop
• more and more people will call in sick because of mental health problems, stomach pains, headaches, sleeping problems, nausea, burn-out, anxiety, increased body heat, lethargy and depression
• people will report reduced eye sight / itching skin
• goals will not be met on time, your ROI will stumble, your KPI’s will have to be adjusted
While this might not play out immediately, since not every person is sensitive enough to notice the effects of microwave radiation that is slowly heating up the body, rest assured that all of this will unfold in a couple of months after upgrading your wifi.
A speedier 5G wifi will mean taking responsibility for your people and their health, while exposing them to higher levels of radiation which causes inflammation, higher blood pressure, headaches and digestive issues and a phletora of other symptoms, which disappear after a few days in nature, and return in any 5G hotspot.
Read about the effects of radiation caused by 5G here: (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S037842742030028X).
Find out how to detect radiation levels in your body through bioscans here: (www.bioscan.com)
Thriving vs Surviving
While becoming more modern, following the latest trend and regularly upgrading our tech systems might be the norm, we have to remember that there is one thing we can not upgrade through technology: Our health.
Our health thrives in nature, through healthy eating habits, a life-work-balance, enough sleep and the possibility to relax. If the possibility to relax is taken away, because high levels of microwave radiation are putting the body in a constant fight or flight mode due to subtle stress, spiking adrenaline levels which cause adrenal fatigue, increasing the feelings of anger, distress, anxiety and uncomfortableness, which lead to more ‘heated’ discussions and disharmony between people, the body can only regenerate so much until it will collapse. There will be irreversible effects in the long-run, which no company can afford to promote.
Even if you change your workforce regularly, if you replace them with robots, you can’t exchange your customers to robots. You can´t. They will not pay you.
How to Upgrade your Company from the Inside Out
What you truly want is a healthy team, with bright ideas, a high level of integrity, self-reliance and genius, so that your company flourishes and excels, not because you have the fastest 5G wifi, but because you have a f**king awesome team that is building something unique again and again, which people simply want to have.
Because you are genius and you don´t need to upgrade your wifi to be genius, but you plug in to your inner zone of greatness and therefore help people upgrade their life with what you bring forth. You make your customers happy. You take care of your work force. You take care of your family. You take care of yourself.
You remember that you are part of nature and that in nature everything follows the law of resonance. The higher you vibe the more you attract your tribe. And that comes naturally, because your body, mind and heart is the most amazing machine you have been born with.
The more you understand that YOU live, work and act in synchronicity with your team, with your company and with your ideals, the bigger the impact you will have.
The greatest leadership you can bring forth these days is not through technological inventions.
The greatest leadership you can bring forth in these days is a leadership that is based on heart centred values and radical decision making:
- value the people that work for you
- value the people you work together with
- value your customers
- value your partners
- value your own health, the health of your team, the health of your family
- value intuition, which knows more than any app on the planet
- value your life as a masterpiece, you only have one.
The question is not how crazy, new and genius your ideas were, when you die. The questions is not how fast your internet was, when you die. The question is not, if you beat your competition.
The question is: How many people’s lives did you change, because you made them feel alive, happy, seen, heard, understood, safe, valued and cherished, and yes, protected? How many people did you touch in a meaningful way through your impact?
The question is: Who are You?